
Showing posts from April, 2011

MDW FAIR | What it Is

I'll have some new work at the MDW fair this weekend in the "What it is" booth. It looks like there is going to be some great stuff to see... Come on out if you can!

April 21st 2011

1 year ago today I had my liver / pancreas resection. I'm still here, so I guess that's progress, eyh?

Welcome to this world....

Our new niece, Cora, was born today: 8lbs 2oz. Adorable!

Highland, Wisconsin #2

I think I would like to live here, more...

Highland, Wisconsin #1

We found this car in the woods along the side of the road in Highland. The ghost of a dinosaur, I suppose.

No chemo... veggies!

I discussed the MRI results with the docs. Yes, the tumor has indeed gotten larger, but not overly concerning yet. So, we scan again in 3 months. We can hold off on chemo, for now. Headed to Block Center on Monday to get myself in order ASAP.

on wisconsin...!

I'm not a religious person (at all).... but I love folk art and iconography. I hung these pieces at the highland house this weekend. Both are from thrift stores, of course! We had some workers take up some of the flooring to do a plumbing repair, before we came up (long story). We found out that the main part of the house is one of the oldest homes built in Highland. There are layers of flooring built up, for which this was one... I wish it wasn't covered. I love this design! (Also, part of the house is built on unmilled log timber joists... very cool.) UPDATE: The results of my recent MRI were not exactly what I wanted... it was what I had expected, but hoped would not be the case. My liver seems to be stable, which is the good news (i.e. tumors same size). However, the epicardial lymph node tumor, which became cause for concern in December, is very much progressive. From December to March, the tumor has increased in size from 0.9 x 1.6 to 2.4 x 2.9cm. Therefore, the node ha