one is fast. one is slow.

Two 2.5x3 silver gelatin prints, from the collection.

Day to Day: I was tired today… there’s a ton to do, always, and it’s a fight to get down the list. I guess I’m going to have to resign myself to the fact that the list will never end? Just as soon as I cross something off, another task is added! So, why fight it? Nevertheless, I managed to get a good amount done today. On the top of the list, I made an appointment with Dr. Richard Warner in New York City. I’ll be headed back East in May, just for a quick consult. I don’t know what Warner will say, but feel it’s worth the trip. I really like my current Oncologist (Benson), but see no reason why that should stop me from seeking ALL opinions at reach. The hardest part is waiting for things to happen… waiting for appointments, tests, phone calls, etc. I’m ready now and have no interest in waiting, but trying to be Zen. I have a good feeling about Woltering and Warner, and looking forward to those trips… I feel positive.

Thanks: Of course, my day is always made brighter when I get a note or little gift! Sometimes those little things can turn around a really painful day. A thanks surely goes to Johnny and Cari for the Victorian photo album, with a memorial card in it!!! Awesome addition to the collection! And, they sent me what might be the coolest San Francisco T-Shirt ever… I will rock that in a future blog photo! A HUGE thanks also goes to “Uncle Pete”, for dropping by today with a sweet HP laser printer!! I cannot explain how much this will help with my medical documents! I have to send tons of records to different doctors, and printing 30-40 page PDF’s on an Inkjet was painful. And, not having to go to Kinkos will keep my blood pressure lower, further advancing my health! Kudos to the Bellinghausen’s today! And not to forget, another big thanks to Carrie Dacey for the beautiful tea mugs and sweet note. We’ve already put them to good use for some nice calming tea.

Ruminations: Sometimes, I find solace in reading a book. More often, I enjoy thumbing through my photo collections, trying to make sense of fragments. It’s just like reading, but in reverse. –instead of making pictures from words, I make words from pictures; only more tangible. Tonight I came across these two images that had me. I found myself thinking about erosion and absence. When there’s an organized landscape, a figure, a thing, the words are easy to locate and drip off the tongue quickly. But when there’s a gap, a fugitive piece, it’s a momentary pause trying to synthesize blurred hands. Sometimes it’s not fast, not a blur at all, but so still… so painfully still that the words bounce and echo against the skull. One is fast and one is slow. -Both are missing pieces. The hill tumbles into the river, downstream, and rocks make way for summer silt. The woman on the beach exits the frame and lays a towel on wet sand, turning her face toward the sun. When one part slips away, there’s a little room for something new to enter. One is fast and one is slow. -Both are in transition.

Note: The blog is now officially public, in the search engine crawl.


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