a self portrait of sorts...

Monitor wires from the radio receiver to my stomach. And, my Levis!

Wireless capsule camera (capsule endoscopy). The orange part is the holder. The white part is the camera. The lens is facing into the holder, so not visible here.

Me wearing the "radio belt". Yes, fancy fashion, if you're a mountain climber, or, suicide bomber?

I haven’t had anything REAL to eat for nearly 36 hours now. I do not count chicken broth, water, or plain gelatin as food. Sorry plain gelatin! Sorry chicken broth…! Adding to the pleasure, last night I had to drink 10 ounces of a delicious, yet powerful laxative. Yes, delightful, indeed. But it’s all worth it, because today I got to swallow that small wireless camera! In my images, you can’t see the lens. The way it’s positioned in the holder, I couldn’t photograph it… actually, I could have gotten the shot, but I think the nurse was nervous that I might drop it? The orange thing is the holder. The white part is what gets swallowed. (Anyhow, you get the idea.) I could probably buy a nice Leica for whatever that little thing costs!

Upon swallowing the camera, the self portrait begins! It transmits a radio signal to a receiver that I wear on on my waist. There are also a bunch of wires and sensors hooked-up to my stomach. I look like an idiot-terrorist, or some machination of similar variety? I’ll be wearing this little get-up for 8 hours. So, rather than fight both AM & PM traffic, decided to just hang around Northwestern at the hospital… FREE wireless, thank you!! Surprisingly, I’m getting a lot of work done here? Maybe this will be my new office? It’s free, and already furnished? My clients will love the place. Who doesn’t like have a meeting in a hospital? (ok… this one is actually nice… sarcasm aside.)

On other fronts, I also took a few more blood tests: Pancreastatin and Neurokinin A. Dr. Woltering, the “guy” from Ochsner’s Neuroendocrine clinic, asked they be performed. I have an appointment with Woltering on May 12th! I’m currently in the process of sending over my pathology slides and medical records for review. So, I’m headed to Louisiana! The hospital is in Kenner, just outside of New Orleans. I haven’t been there since my sister’s wedding, which was much fun. I’m looking forward to going back. Maybe we’ll have time to rent a car and tour about for an afternoon? It will be a short trip, since we’ll just be coming off our Argentina adventure. Nevertheless, I’m excited to meet Dr. Woltering. The clinic is word renowned for their Carcinoid work, and they are very aggressive. I just want to see what they have to say? Maybe the knife? Or, maybe the same old shot? Either way, it’s worth the trip.

I weighted myself this morning and lost 6 pounds… must the absence of food? It’s an easy diet, and really cheap if anyone is interested? After I take this equipment off, I’m chowing down on a meatball and garlic bread. –I’m famished!


  1. Ok. I'm going to try and leave a comment again.
    You look stunning in your capsule belt. They are so much fun, aren't they?
    Good luck in Louisiana in May. I hope Woltering can provide you some insight.

  2. Now that's some edgy Levi's product placement.


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