tri-states monument

Woman at Tri States Monument (NJ, PA, & DE), Circa 1900. Silver print (From my personal collection). Note the ghost image on the verso, caused by acid in the paper. Click photo to enlarge.

I had a collection visit this morning to my MoMP collection. It’s nice to find people who can use my collection to further their research and work. It makes it worth it. The rest of the day I was very productive in the shop. I’m desperately trying to wrap up a few projects that are behind schedule… we have a ton of work and just too little time. After these current builds are complete, I’m go to start sub-contracting our designs. We’ll still outfit the digital components ourselves, and run tests in the studio / shop… but the rest of the labor and finishing will need to be done by someone else. With that said, if you’re one of the countless people who has sent me an email, tried to call, or text and have not heard from me… well, I’m up to my eyeballs right now and trying to avoid distractions. So, my apologies; I’ll catch-up with you soon. -Promise.

In local news, they found a dismembered body in our neighborhood today (in an alley about 10 blocks from us, on my running route)!!! It was most likely a dump from Chicago's West Side, or something…. But no shit, it was in the alley in 4 garbage bags? I know murders happen and all, but couldn’t they have picked a better dump spot? Maybe it was just SUPER convenient?? But why take the time to dump in such a populated area, after going through all the trouble of cutting it up? All the evidence is in the bag! And, anyone could have seen you sneaking around the area? This is CSI 101 stuff… dump the body in the woods, or, at an alligator farm. That way, bugs and animals eat the evidence! Jeez! And if anyone asks for a DNA swab, say NO! (Note: CSI Vegas, the original, is the one and only for me! Miami and NY CSI suck!) We’ll see what pans out with this story.

With respect to my collecting, I just came across this great image of a woman standing on the Tri-States monument in New Jersey (Pennsylvania & Delaware), Circa 1900. This is a really nice silver print on thin fiber paper. However, it must have been sitting in a box for a LONG time with another photo against the back. The acid in the papers touching made a “ghost” image on the verso. I love it! I see this often, but this one is particularly nice. I feel like she’s looking out over the water, but also through the page at the same time, to the reverse, of what I imagine is her forgotten lover…. Or, something like that?


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