Endoscopy Report: No News is Bad News (but what did you expect??)

I got to wear my favorite shoes for the procedure! They'll never take my shoes!! Or, my iPhone!

Finger Monitor... or something?

They marked me H-15? That was a first for me... Maybe a patient number? Once they hooked me up to this thing, I was out!

The sexy "terrorist belt" with sticky things that hurt like hell to take off... and, they leave adhesive stuck to your skin for at least 3 weeks, no joke. You wear the belt for 8 hours. I need a tan, yes?

Upper Endoscopy (manual) & Capsule: Well, after a long wait, yet again... I almost forgot! The results came back from my 2nd endoscopy... not a colonoscopy as I initially reported, in error. For the procedure, I once again swollowed a camera, but, they then put me out and fished something down my throat... they poked around, and moved the capsule to a better location. After I woke up, I got to wear my favorite belt again... which if you remember, monitors the capsule camera I swollwed via radio signal.

The Results: Zero, zip, notta... yes, you would think this is good news...? Well, it is, but isn't. They were looking for my primary tumor somewhere in the gut. Therefore, not finding it is not so great. I'm still stuck wondering where it is. Finding the primary doesn't necessarily change my treatment, for now....but, in some camps, they think it's important to recovery and disease management. The verdict is still out.

Upcoming: I have my 3rd shot on Friday, and next week, 11-13th, off to New Orleans to meet with Woltering. I'll be sure to chronical that as well...


  1. It's frustrating when they don't find anything. Or in my case, where they found what they thought was a primary but was just...something else. All that surgery for nothing.
    Will they keep looking? Do they have any other procedures they are thinking of doing?

  2. Hi Anthony! Just coming back to check in on your life and progress with all the cancer stuff. I'm so jealous of your vacation and the flea markets and all the great finds you found. I always loved looking at your pictures when we worked together. It seems like everything is the same and they don't know more now than a few weeks ago, that is so frustrating!

    I just wanted to let you know you were in my thoughts today, tell Andrea I said "Hi!" and keep strong!

  3. Anthony, You are taking this is such good stride. Are you going to have a lottery about where your primary tumor is? Participants can purchase 'locations' you split the pot with the winner and take a vacation to Tahiti?

  4. You are a sexy man! Anthony, you could be male modeling. You look better than when I first met you and you were that skinny kid with cuffed 501's and a NY Yankees ball cap, oh yeah and those new kid on the block sideburns.


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