Still alive here...

Family Portrait with Casket: Silver-Gelatin print mounted on period board: Circa 1910. From the Museum of Mourning Photography (MoMP) Collection.

No, I'm not dead yet... and yes, it has been over a week since my last real entry. With the event season now nearing the climax (June/July), I've been stupid-busy. I've been working on a new photobooth in the shop and it's looking great! Photos to come soon. My sister-in-law, Sarah, finally had her baby on Wednesday the 20th (10 days past-due). Her name is Nia, and I'm an uncle again. (She's a beautiful little gem...!!! So Congrats to her and Ryan!) Unfortunately, I spent almost all of that day (5hrs) at city hall trying to get permits for my booths in bar locations. One of our locations got pinched by a city inspector, and we were shut down for 24hrs. Everyday we're down, we loose money. Thankfully, it happened on a weekday, so we didn't have to go into the weekend when the licensing office is closed. After much back and forth at city hall, I finally left with a license! (Of course, it doesn't explicitly say anywhere in the law that we even need a business license for our machines... but it was easier to just pony-up the fee. You can't fight city hall!!).

Last night, Sunday, we did a wedding at the Garfield Park Conservatory. It's a beautiful park, surrounded by urban hell (Probably one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago...but maybe not the worst). I was not suppose to work yesterday... but my new hire decided to not show up! Not only that, but he didn't even call! Do you think I was a bit pissed? Ahhh, yeah... fucker! So, Eric and I did the job with some minor technical problems, but we resolved them to make a successful event. Of course, yesterday, my moderate stomach pains grew into something more severe... Shit, it hurt... I considered going to the hospital, but the pain subsided by this morning. Right now, the pain is moderate, as it was before. It has now been over 2 weeks with this consistent ache under my rib and into my back (liver area). I've been talking to Benson and my nurse about it, but there's not much that can be done about it right now. We'll see how this pans out?

On other fronts, I have a chest CT scan tomorrow morning. Results will take a while and we'll most likely not see anything. We're looking for a primary tumor in the lung.

That's it for now. I'd like to get back to writing more about photography, our misc. adventures, etc... but will have to wait for a bit. It's time to make the donuts! Time to work on the railroad! Time to hit the salt mines... you get it, a lot to do and very little time to do it


  1. I have a very special photo for you direct from Seattle's finest touristy antique store! If only I could remember to mail it.... Hope all is well, as can be expected.



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