finding the frame

I met with the IR team at Northwestern (Dr. Lewandowski, etc.). I'm still on the fence as to my course of treatment and gathering some final data. I'm leaning toward the surgery. The Northwestern folks are pushing Y90 which may work well... but, that's also not a sure thing. I feel like if don't at least try to find the primary, I'll never let it down. I can always get Y90 in the future. If Shafir's ablation does nothing, and even if the primary is not least they will get a complete picture of the disease in my liver. If the surgery is a total wash, and there is no disease regression by the intervention, I may never be this healthy again. Right now, I can tolerate a big surgery, physically and even mentally. Maybe this is the time for surgery? I spoke with Warner again today and he has assured me this is the way to go. The tumor board, surgeons, etc. will be reviewing my case on Friday at Northwestern. I can expect to get more info from them Friday afternoon or Monday. As always, more to follow... It's a lot to think about.


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