Photobooth Repair Man

It occured to me today just how many photobooth strips that I have (of myself!! - 1000+)... I service the booths, refurbish them, etc... And of course, every week I test the machines on our route. I have photostrips falling out of my ears. I'm wondering what to do with them all? Maybe a book, simply titled "Repair Man..." ??


  1. Yes yes yes... how very Amelie! We'd buy it

  2. anthony - long time hello from me. this post compelled me to write b/c i can see so vividly you in the midst of so many images of yourself - this alone could be a marvelous and possibly disturbing short story. it could be amazing to see them all up on a wall/installation someplace. but then the fun is likely your expressions in each image - hard to see if too far away. a book!

    i am in the midst of a phd in cultural geography, studying 'everyday life' and people's interactions with their front and back yards. i love it.

    i read your blog often. i enjoy your writing very much. when surrounded by so much academic writing, i have appreciated essays, prose, poems, images even so much more the past few years.

    thinking of you often and sending all my best wishes for a successful bad berka trip!! ciao, ursula


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