Stomach Flu, Friends & Photobooths

Me in the photobooth with "Baby Lee" and my Voightlander Rangefinder.

Andrea and "Baby Lucie"
Courtney, Jay, Andrea, "Baby Lee" and me, in the photobooth.

Jay, Courtney & "Baby Lee"

Yet another year has gone by. -too fast. Our friends from Los Angeles, Courtney and Jay, came out to visit with us over the New Year. ...and they brought their adorable little baby Lee. At just under 6 months, this little guy is awesome... and of course, my new best friend. It was nice to spend some real quality time with our friends, since we rarely get to see them. Unfortunately, we ended up all coming down with a NASTY stomach flu which really took us by storm. (Vomiting, fever, chills, stomach pains, & the works...). We sat around eating toast, sleeping, and watching bad Lifetime Network movies. In a funny way, it was actually an interesting bonding experience. When we felt a little better today, we grabbed a nice brunch and came back to the house for a few photobooth shots in the living room.
I'm currently trying to nail down a ticket to Germany. I'm hoping we can catch a train to Prague too...TBD.


  1. Everyone at once? Sounds like food poisoning to me.

  2. Nah, not food poising... Courtney got sick first... then, 2 days later, Me, Andrea, and Jay... and, Andrea's Sister (Sarah) and her husband (Ryan)... Ryan and Sarah didn't even eat the same things as Courtney, etc. Different times, situations, etc... So, pretty sure it was a really contagious stomach flu. Nasty.


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