Museum Week...

Mold-A-Rama "Miniature Plastic Factory": Don't think I haven't already looked into buying one! I have leads and a potential location already. These things rule! We'll see what pans out?

Alex using the Mold-A-Rama...

Andrea and I (Circus Exhibit - Museum of Science & Industry).

Moose? Field Museum Display...

Goats? Field Museum Display...

I've been away from the blog since my PVE because I've been both busy...and tired. I've started to bounce back and I'm getting things in gear prior to the big surgery. The date has been scheduled (tentatively per scan results) for April 21st (pre-operation stuff) and actual cutting on the 22nd. My next scan will be April 15th.
On the work front, things have been VERY busy. Some new digital projects are in the works which are exciting prospects. Also, we have two new locations about to be installed, one digital and one chemical. In addition, there are a few international and domestic sales in the mix, for both custom digital designs and vintage chemical. This requires scheduling, refurbishing, designing, blah blah... basically, it's a ton of work. And, booking for the 2010 rental season has been going strong. Once the surgery happens, I'll be out for a while. So, I'm "under the gun" to get things in order ASAP. So far, so good. Part of the process is learning to accept that I just wont get everything done. I'll have to rely on my team for help. Luckily, I have some amazingly talented and dedicated people behind me.
This week, my sister Gina, and brother-in-law David, are in town with my nephew Alex. At 3yrs old, he's a little ball of inquisitive energy that I just love. I've been sneaking away from work and we've been going to some of the Chicago museums. I'm trying to get him hooked on vintage coin-op machines at an early age! I've been encouraging his use of the Mold-A-Rama machines at the Field and The Museum of Science and Industry. (He liked the Science museum the best... I think we all did....). Anyhow, we're having a great time. We also went to the Rain Forest Cafe, which for a 3yr old, is like a new universe. Tomorrow, we're going to teach him how to make pizza from scratch.
Thus far, things are status-quo and I'm trying to enjoy my week with family. If I can juggle some other projects, Andrea and I will try and get to the Wisconsin house soon. The bathroom is done, so now, we move onto floors and more painting!


  1. wezer600@frontiernet.netMarch 24, 2010 at 12:48 PM

    You should email the figures on your hospital bill vs Germany costs to every Congressman who voted against the Health Care Reform bill. They are SO out of touch with the reality facing many citizens.


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