What are you searching for???

My Search: "What to do...with old Olympus lenses..."

My Search: "Is it.... bad to do an international wire transfer..."

My Search: "Is it dangerous.... to do an international wire transfer..."

Ok, so life and the Internet are indeed interesting. Some folks out there probably want to know how I'm doing. The answer is, fine. I feel a little tired much quicker lately, not sure why... and still a little achy, but otherwise normal and doing the regular stuff that I do. But for me, the more pressing question is... What the hell are people searching for on Google??? I had a few questions of my own this week, and I was amazed to learn that others did too! When you type a question or search term into Google, it often automatically populates popular terms or phrases that others have entered. This is not news and I often ignore it... but after these last few entries, I was perplexed and could not keep my silence any longer!

So, here is how we arrived at this. In short, I have 2 current clients abroad (that are seemingly legit) that want to make large wire transfers to my business account. This of course requires me to give them all my business banking info, which I am not keen to do! Because, as easy as someone can put money in, they can also take it out! Like any good businessman would, I consulted Google, of course! (...and yes, I called my bank too...). I first tried... "Is it.... bad to do an international wire transfer..." but I was not happy with the results. I assumed "bad" was too vague and opted to go with the more illustrative description "dangerous". What shocked me is 1.) the stupidest things that people ask google and 2.) how much water people might be drinking. I mean, can it really be THAT bad to drink too much water? How much water are we talking about here? I know there are cases of people dieing from competitive water drinking (saw it on CSI) and of course, drowning... but those are extremes. I think even a few gallons a day and you'd be fine? hell, your kidneys would be stoked! (In Germany I was drinking 4 liters a day...and I lived....). And WTF, who is drinking urine and why? How many people are drinking urine? I'd love to get some stats in this stuff.

That brings me to my second question. I've recently been lamenting my old 35mm film gear. I've always been a Nikon / Olympus user. I have a ton of old film equipment which I love and refuse to part with...however, I rarely if ever use most of it. What upsets me the most is my old Olympus prime lenses, many of which I think rival that of Canon, Nikon, Leica, etc... these lenses are and were beautiful specimens of glass. Olympus made some killer optics back in the 70's and now they're basically paper weights. With Nikon, I can use all my old glass on my digital DSLR's and they work well (manually). But Olympus abandoned their old mount system back around 2001? (mainly because Olympus never had the huge pro following like Nikon / Canon.... not sure why because as I just noted, their lenses were better....IMHO). I can still uses these lenses on the old film bodies, but I'm looking for a digital option. So, I figured, who better to consult than trusty Google? "What to do...with old Olympus lenses..."And here, with this question, I ended up both laughing, crying, and diving into existential musings. The key is..."What to do..." What astonishes me here is that 1.) many people don't know what to do with their life, but 2.) the second most popular question after such a "biggie" is what to do with leftover ham?? Wow, that's rough. Imagine you're trying to figure out what to do with you life, things are so bad, that you have to ask Google, but then, you see that your is only slightly more important that left overs? Well, let me answers these questions. If you have left over food, you eat it or toss it out, simple as that. If you have old technology like a computer, you smash it with your friends for fun, or, donate to a third world country where it MIGHT work. (You can also consider recycling it if you are a hippie, MAC user, or Hippie-MAC user. ) If you have a law degree, become a lawyer. If it's biology, you are probably a hippie and against working for big PHARMA. As for what to do with your life, well, that's just too easy. You LIVE! You live everyday and try to be thankful for what you do have. Take a walk, throw a stone in a pond, make something, break something, breathe... and fuck whatever Google tells you, because you're wasting your time searching for it online.

As for the wire transfer, have a separate account with little or no money in it, this way, there's nothing for anyone to steal. At least, that's what the bank told me.


  1. I just wanted to say this is one of the most ingenious posts I've seen on the web in a long time....funny and well said.

    Hope you and Andrea are doing well...


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