Feeling better everyday

I know I'm biased, but how great does my adorable husband look today? You'd never guess that he had such a major surgery just 3 days ago. He also appears to have super-hair (no product and just woke up in this pic). I figured you all could use a palate cleanser from the last 2 days of the disgusto photos.

We hardly slept last night , as Anthony was experiencing some outrageous pain. They couldn't control the pain with the oral narcotics so they brought him back to morphine land. Eventually we got some sleep, but neither Anthony nor I have had a real nights sleep since we arrived. FYI - I have been "sleeping" on a recliner next to him since Thursday, but " closing my eyes" is really more accurate.

The day got better though after we woke up. Every morning at the hospital is a flurry of activity, with doctors, nurses, techs poking prodding and inspecting. Today the doctor on call said Ant couldn't possibly be doing better. Awesome to hear that. His goal was to do 3 walks down the hallway by the end of the day, and he did 5 by noon! Told you he was an over achiever.

Lots of visitors today too! Ralph and Cathy came by this am for one last visit before heading back to Connecticut. Then, my family came by for a final visit before returning to Chicago. Our friend Ruth stopped by as well which was fabulous . She is a Carcinoid survivor also, and had two liver surgeries here at UNMC. It was nice for Anthony to talk with someone who knows exactly what he is going through. I forgot to mention John stopped by yesterday too, another friend and Carcinoid survivor who has been so supportive. The silver lining of this whole Cancer experience is the realization that there are so many caring people. Our web of family, friends and new friends never cease to amaze me.

In other health news: they let Anthony eat whatever he wanted today ( which wasn't much) because he is still pretty hepped up on narcotics. The oxycodone makes him really relaxed, an interesting change if you know Anthony well . Unfortunately, the drugs also make him act and sound totally wasted...so it's basically like I've been babysitting a half naked, hard to understand narcoleptic....but I love him more than ever:)

More updates and gross photos tomorrow.

- Andrea


  1. Looking good! Andrea, thanks for hijacking the blog:) Hugs!


  2. finally figured out that if I type this business on the iphone, the formatting is all messed up online. I've edited the last couple entries for your viewing pleasure.

  3. Hi Andrea and Anthony! Thanks for the update, Anthony you've been in my thoughts for a great outcome! Glad you are feeling better and getting around...

    Take care, Jennifer von Ebers

  4. Nice. looking good! Not a hair out of place.

  5. I am SO very happy the surgery went so well!!! I haven't checked the blog in awhile and was surprised to see that he's had surgery.


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