A hard day

Anthony's social secretary reporting to duty...

This was by far the HARDEST DAY Anthony (and I) have had so far. Maybe the hardest day ever for Anthony in terms of pain. They've eased up on the pain meds (which also slow digestion). This is difficult for Anthony because he is still in considerable pain but they don't want him using the narcotics as much. The awful pain in Anthony's abdomen the last 24-48 hours was not primarily from the huge incision and missing organs. Apparently, when you have major surgery, and take anesthesia- your organs all go to sleep. Essentially the organs are in shock. They slowly wake up, and eventually everything is working normally. Unfortunately, for most people, the intestines are the last of the organs to wake up and this creates a ton of pain. This ended up being the culprit the last day or so, and poor Anthony is just in agony. I've never seen him so uncomfortable. I'll spare you the gory details (for once) and let you know that he is feeling better tonight, and is sound asleep. Thank god.

They really drugged him up earlier this morning when he was dying of pain, and he asked the Nurse if they gave him the drugs that Michael Jackson was on! He asked the nurse that after the embolization too. Still has a sense of humor, regardless of the circumstances. That's one of the many things Anthony and I both have in common. We never hesitate to try and make each other laugh, despite the hard times we might be going through. It makes it easier, and brings us back to what's really important.

So.. people keep asking.. how are YOU doing. Well.. I don't think either of us slept for more than 20 minutes straight the past two days. I can't imagine I actually slept more than 2-3 hours last night total. I typically cease to function if I don't have at least 8-9 hours of good sleep in my cozy bed with proper pajamas and complete darkness. I also have fibromyalgia, which gets out of control if I'm under stress, not sleeping enough, or not sleeping comfortably. The devil's trifecta. Needless to say.. ouch. It's funny, though. Having an experience like this puts everything into perspective. So what if my muscles ache, and I can't sleep, and our lives are upside down right now. I still have an amazing husband, relatively good health, and we're alive. The majority of the things we worry about on a daily basis are truly insignificant in the grand scheme of life.

I'm getting philosophical- which means it's time to get some rest.

I've posted Anthony's surgery photos to the Picasa Web Gallery (Click to view images). Don't go there unless you are prepared for some serious biology. Cut and paste the link below to your browser.



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