...getting out

Today Andrea and I went to a local antique mall about 15 miles from the hotel. Partly, we just wanted to get out of the hotel. More importantly, we wanted to see how I would handle being in a car again. Pot holes and such were a jolt, but the highway was a breeze. All in, my 60 minutes in the car today tooling around was tolerated well enough.

I got some great exercise walking this huge indoor market. Strangely enough, I was very conservative and purchased only one small photo and an old mini 1920's tin of laxatives, with all the pills and directions still inside. ....and no, I won't be taking them.

I did come across a creepy drawing of this woman. She was hiding in a dark corner of the store, with the reflections on the glass frame making it look as if she was alive and trapped inside.

Otherwise, I'm still in pain but taking it slow and trying to power through it. The medication helps a ton. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's going to take a while to get back to normal, and that is ok.


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