ground control to major...

A bathroom wall, in some bar, somewhere in Kentucky....

Summer is over and I barely witnessed the sun. August disappeared. September came and went with a jaunt to Louisville, ripe with debauchery. October started with a trip back to San Francisco and a broken heart, missing the Bay. The last few months, I’ve worked myself to a pulp, torturing my body to no end. There have been 30hr work days, back to back fabrication schedules, travel, lease negotiations, and an endless stream of events. Just a few days ago, struggling to keep my head straight, I drove my work van into my neighbor’s garage. I nearly took the damned thing down, crumbling a good chunk of structure. Drive seemed like Reverse… naturally (-Well, at least I was able to make one contractor happy… that’s my stimulus package.)

Andrea and I will be headed to Alaska in November for the Andy Warhol exhibit in Anchorage. We sold a booth to a client working with the Museum. We have been asked to set it up for the opening. So, snow boots and ear muffs it is!! …or, did global warming fix that?

The studio has been moving forward, doing well. We just leased a new space two blocks from our home in Oak Park. It’s in the Harrison Street Arts District. We’re pushing for a grand opening on November 15th… I’m really looking forward to getting in there. Right now we are in the midst of painting, planning, and installing the essentials.

Before you know it, Thanksgiving will be here. (For Andrea and me, it’s our “Turkaversary "). Then, New Years will come faster than a snow squall and we will be pondering 2011 resolutions. I am scheduled to go back to Germany for a follow-up scan, January 31st. Can you believe it? 2 years now…? living with NET, and it’s almost as if I managed to ignore the majority of it. Or, I’ve kept myself busy enough to forget the details. So, I’m saying it here and now… my resolution will not be to work less. I like what I do even when it hurts. My resolution will be to “make shit count…more.” If I sand wood, every stroke will be deliberate. If I post a letter, the To and From will be neatly penned, because my hand will live longer than I. When I drink a glass of wine, I’ll let it rest on my tongue just a second or two longer. I’m going to skip the turkey and eat nothing but stuffing, because the stuffing is the meal.


  1. Hi Anthony and Andrea!!!

    Just thinking about you and catching up with your life. That's great about your space on Harrison!! That's going to be awesome.

    Sounds like you guys have been super busy, that's great


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