...a long winded story not written all that well.
A cornfield somewhere in Wisconsin: Taken with a Horizon 35mm panormic: Taken just after a spell of severe stomach pains. October.2008 So, here it goes, from the beginning: I've had recurring stomach pains for at least 4 years. For those who know me well, I’m a relatively “high-strung” individual… Ok, maybe I’m borderline OCD? Initially, doctors thought these stomach pains might be related to anxiety? But sometime late in 2007, my pain slowly started to get worse. Well, I thought it must be an ulcer or something? At times, I’d have these attacks that would last for days, stabbing. When the pain started to become more frequent in November of 2008, Andrea forced me to see a doctor. The doctors initially thought it might be an ulcer, or, an issue with my gallbladder. I was sent for an ultrasound in early December 2008… and this is when it all began. During the ultrasound they noted that I might indeed have gallstones, for which an operation would be required. In addition, they n...
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