We're headed home...

The Statue of Liberty: A perfect symbol of freedom, long journeys, and triumph over struggle. This a photo post card I found a month ago... now part of the collection.

Well, we are headed back to Chicago tomorrow (Tuesday) morning! We met with Dr. Botha this morning and he gave me the OK to take off, if I felt up to it. Well, I'm ready to get home. We're not out of the woods, I'm only running on 30% of a liver and my WBC is high. He's not worried though. We just need to keep an eye out for ascites (excess fluid build up in the body cavity...). If this were the happen, I've have a fever, a ton of pain, swelling and general badness. The fix is basically being admitted to a hospital to drain the area. This happens in about 10-15% of patients, but if it were to happen, it can easily be treated in Chicago. I won't have my next set of scans for a few months when we will look at how the liver grew. Immediately, I'll just need to monitor labs and take it easy. The doctor made it very clear that I was to do NOTHING but rest for the next 6-8 weeks. He said we're out of the jungle, the guns are strapped to our backs, but we still need to get home. That is, the scary part is through, but there's still another leg of the journey where things can happen. Ugggh, resting is difficult, but I'm going to do it. I don't have much choice. I'll just probably do a lot of laptop work in the shade outside and try to enjoy life a bit. I'll also catch up on many books I want to read.
Once I heal, then we'll start looking at the next options for tackling the reaming cancer.
I can't wait to see my kittens again!


  1. Rest is good. Enjoy it. Glad everything went well. Talk soon.

  2. Thats freaking awesome that you are coming home! I should come over and cook dinner for you two....all good stuff so your body can get back in business!
    So glad to hear you are good enough to get out of that hospital!!

  3. Great news! Watch your salt intake, from one who knows. Safe trip and cuddle the kittens and Andrea a lot.

  4. Anthony and Andrea
    Great news. Do mind the Dr Botha about going s...l...o...w..l..y.

  5. Hi Anthony!!

    So glad you are on your way home! I know it will be hard for you to sit still for that long!!

    I too, would read a lot, watch a bunch of old movies, etc... Hopefully our weather will be nice so you can enjoy some time outside relaxing too! I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and Andrea!

  6. Jennifer von EbersMay 7, 2010 at 9:16 AM

    Anthony & Andrea! Glad you are home now! So sorry you had to go through all that.

    I know it will be hard for you to take it easy for so long!! I would watch a ton of movies and read a lot! Take care, just wanted to tell you I was thinking about you guys.


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